Sunday 2 December 2018

2nd December - Hut 305

The theme for the Advent Calendar this year is Follow the Star (something which the Church of England is also focussing on as a Christmas theme starting on Christmas Eve #followthestar).

Mary Bacchoo at hut 305 combined the star theme with a passion for ecology, linking these with the fact that there is more microplastic in the ocean than there are stars in the Milky Way.

Her installation featured a spiral trail which led to the hut containing a giant star.

Photo courtesy of
The spiral was made from ecobricks which are created by stuffing single use plastic bottles with up to 120 plastic shopping bags.  These can then be used to build houses in places where there is a shortage of housing.

Photo courtesy of

The spiral was also lit by solar lamps which have been especially designed for communities in the third world where there is no electricity.

Inside the hut was a nativity scene made from ecobricks and some information about the importance of a spiral in reminding us of the journey of life as a cycle of rebirth, seasons and time passing.

A spiral points us towards transformation and insight and in a similar way ecobricks transform our view of plastic as a resource to build with rather than waste to dispose of.  

As you see the stars at night may you be inspired by the possibility of the transformation that light brings into the darkness.

Photo courtesy of
The next hut is number 194 and features the first school this year.

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