Hut 189 tonight was a hut to remember - in two senses of the word.

It was memorable for the stunning artwork which filled the hut and the artwork was about remembering those who have gone to be with the angels this year.

The hut was dominated by enormous collage in the shape of an angel which was made up of hundreds of images of well known personalities who have all died in the last year.

Some sported angel wings of their own and others had wings suggested around them by the arrangement of the collage.

The personalities included Alan Rickman, Prince, Gene Wilder, Leonard Cohen, Caroline Ahern, Mohammed Ali and Shimon Perez. Terry Wogan nestled amongst the tail feathers of the angel which was topped with a collaged head of David Bowie.

All of this was created by artist Sarah Watson with exquisite attention to detail and an expert eye on the organisation of colour.

The floor of the hut was decorated with a colourful carpet of feathers as though the collage was moulting.

Eddie and Michelle were the hut hosts who had put together a soundtrack for the evening featuring music from artists included in the collage and also provided some fabulous homemade cheese straws.

People stayed and gazed at this installation for ages as their eyes picked out different personalities to remember that these are no longer with us and to be reminded of others who we have loved who are with us no more.
This was very thought provoking and powerful and the angel will now be displayed in St. Luke's Prestonville to act as a station of remembrance and prayer for all those bereaved.
Next hut is back to Hove Lawns and is number 82.