Due to a slight administrative error we printed that tonight we would be at hut 364 when in fact it was 424. Fortunately these huts are only 100 metres or so apart and everyone who wanted to see the hut tonight was able to follow the 'Star on a Stick' to the actual destination.
And it was worth the extra walk because the display in the hut tonight was absolutely beautiful.

Kirsty is one of the BEYOND team and she creates amazingly crafted and detailed artworks and tonight was no exception.
Taking the song The Angel Gabriel as inspiration Kirsty created the most gorgeous pair of angel wings entirely made out of feathers cut from sheets of packing foam. Every feather was individually cut and crafted to for its specific place in the wings.
Because the foam is translucent the wings were lit from below and appeared to glow with their own heavenly light.

These wings spoke so eloquently of the changes that can happen when spirituality and creativity come together. Simple, everyday materials can be transformed into something beautiful and holy.
The evening was amazingly calm and still given the winds and rain we've had over the last few days and there was an air of serenity and peace over everything tonight.

Lots of people turned up and throughout the evening ordinary people were transformed into angels as they stood in front of the wings and had their photograph taken with themselves as an angel.
The next hut is close to The View and is hut number 225.