Sunday, 21 December 2008

Beach Hut 21

O Come All Ye Faithful was the carol for this evening and come the faithful did despite there being a lot of competition tonight with many churches having carol services and the annual Burning of the Clocks procession attracting thousands to the centre of Brighton to celebrate the shortest day of the year.

Once again the news of the event has spread far and wide and we had visitors from Alfriston, Bexhill and Eastbourne as well as a number of local folk.

The biggest surprise of the night was an unannounced visit from the Mayor of Brighton & Hove who turned up with his wife and entourage en route to a carol service at one of the central Brighton churches.

Jan was displaying more of her paintings on the theme of adoration echoing the words of the chorus of the carol, including a beautiful tryptich of Christ, the one to whom we direct our adoration at Christmastime.

She also brought along a painting of the beach huts which she had done some time ago and which seems to suggest the same strange alignment of moon and stars that we saw on the very first night that we began this calendar.

Next hut is a little further towards the lagoon at number 382.

Beach Hut 20

We had a very musical evening at beach hut number 225 as the theme was The Little Drummer Boy complete with live music and a chance for everyone to participate. Matt and Colleen gave us some background information about the song and its relationship to Christmas and why rhythm is so basic to all cultures before David and Jake got us all involved in a live version complete with the children joining in on various percussion instruments.

The hut featured our first Christmas tree which was all set up with lights and presents at its base and surrounded with candles and some drum themed decorations. It was great see so many people joining in with the singing and to have so many children running around enjoying themselves.

Next hut is number 315.