As the theme this year has been Follow the Star (#Followthestar for the Church of England campaign of the same name) we decided that hut 395 would showcase all the stars who have taken part since 2008.

God is a creator and when we do something creative we are doing something divine, sharing in the nature of God. Its one of the reasons that human beings are creative.
God also has wonderful creative ways of reaching out to us, and sending his Son as a baby two thousand years ago is an ingenious and creative way to connect with us.

The feature art at the back of hut 395 was a painting by Salvador Dali of the Madonna and Child, showing us Jesus on the verge of entering the world - a fitting image for Christmas Eve.

It's been a privilege to host such a beacon of light in the darkness and we hope to come up with some new ideas in the future now that we have some more time on our hands - so keep an eye on our website for news of our plans.
May God bring light into your world this Christmas as you seek to follow him in whatever way that is appropriate to you.
God bless you this Christmas and into 2019.