Monday, 28 April 2008

BEYOND begins

Beyond launched last night with our first event - Seeing is Believing. 55 or so people attended from a wide variety of backgrounds to look at images of God in nature, in ourselves and through Jesus. The highlight of the evening was artist in residence 'My Dog Sighs' who painted 12 individual canvasses during the hour to create a total art piece called 'Am I Your God'. At the end of the evening people were invited to take the painting that they felt they identified with most. He's put some photos and comment up about this at MyDogSighs

Here's one of the paintings - we'll be posting more pictures from the event here over the next few days and hopefully will be able to assemble the complete set of 12 in some way.

What seemed to have struck most people was how many different ways there are to look at God and how rich an experience it can be to expose yourself to that variety.
Some comments from the event:
"My understanding of how God resonates in the world was affirmed."
"Good to have time to explore ideas/feelings with others in a safe environment."
"Reminded me of how amazing God is!"
"It inspired me to be more creative."
"Helped me clarify my thoughts on Jesus - what type of human he was."

Here's a flavour of the event..

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

27th April - Beyond Launches

27th April
FIRST EVENT – Seeing is Believing
An exploration of images of God and what it means to be made in the image of God.
7pm for approximately an hour
The Stables Bar will be open for drinks and food afterwards
Old Market Theatre
Upper Market Street
Hove, BN3 1AS

BEYOND meets on the evening of the last Sunday of every month except in August.